Playing outside
Every day after eating fruit, we take the children outside because we believe that playing outside is essential for their motor development. During outdoor play, the children can m
Swimming lessons Penguins Barcelona
An activity that we have been particularly proud of for 8 years is the weekly, optional swimming lesson at the Penguins Barcelona swimming pool, Bonanova location. These swimming l
Allotment garden Jardí del Silenci
Once a month, we visit the magically hidden allotment garden Jardí del Silenci in Gràcia. Here, the children discover the importance of flowers, plants, and trees for our health.
Easter and summer camp
During Easter week (April 14 to April 17, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and during the summer holidays (June 25 to July 30, 2025) we organize a special camp for children from 3 to 7